

The Bugthorpe Sheela Na Gig
The Bugthorpe Sheela Na Gig

Photo by Keith Jones.

The Figure

This figure is reported in Images of Lust as being a possible Beakhead sheela unfortunately it is covered in a thick layer of whitewash which makes identification and study of the figure difficult. When Keith visited the church the vicar informed him that the whitewash was due to be removed at some time in the near future. It would be interesting to see what type of figure would be revealed. I hope to have more information on this figure when I visit it in person.

History and other figures

Although this figure is covered we can make some inferences about it’s likelihood of of being a sheela na gig. The carving the rest of the church appears to be Romanesque so we are at least in the right period for an exhibitionist figure.

Other whitewashed figures in the church.

John Harding

Romanesque Head
Romanesque Head
Another Head
Another Head
Biting Monster part of a voussoir?
Biting Monster part of a voussoir?
Bugthorpe Church
Bugthorpe Church

There are some very good pictures of the carvings at this website below

Bugthorpe, Yorkshire – St Andrew

